Below is a list of all current drivers, their division classes, driver numbers, number of league races and current SRAting. You can change your driver information under your profile.
Driver numbers are purged on a regular basis under the driver number retention policy described in our Rules & Regulations. Scheduling for purged driver numbers will be announced on Discord in order to have a fair chance to claim an available driver number.
Driver numbers used: 567 of 999
Division 1 - 51
21 30
Division 2 - 41
19 22
Division 3 - 53
25 28
Division 4 - 50
23 27
Division 5 - 45
19 26
Division 6 - 40
21 19
41 countries, displaying 24 countries with 2+ drivers
DriversCountry |
351 (61.9%) United States |
83 (14.6%) Canada |
15 (2.6%) Colombia |
9 (1.6%) Italy |
8 (1.4%) Argentina |
8 (1.4%) Australia |
8 (1.4%) Brazil |
7 (1.2%) Germany |
7 (1.2%) Poland |
6 (1.1%) India |
6 (1.1%) United Kingdom |
5 (0.9%) Singapore |
4 (0.7%) Costa Rica |
4 (0.7%) Jamaica |
4 (0.7%) Puerto Rico |
3 (0.5%) Finland |
3 (0.5%) France |
3 (0.5%) Mexico |
3 (0.5%) Sweden |
2 (0.4%) Bulgaria |
2 (0.4%) Chile |
2 (0.4%) Greece |
2 (0.4%) South Africa |
2 (0.4%) Venezuela |
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
1 Estefano Barrera 🏆 | 98.73 | 22 |
9 Jeff Spangler | 98.74 | 59 |
16 Dan Cran | 98.56 | 64 |
18 Michael Moening | 99.02 | 67 |
20 Travis Nordstrom | 98.83 | 70 |
55 Gomer Wilson | 98.53 | 45 |
120 Andrew Rados | 98.84 | 15 |
434 Jacob Palmieri | 98.65 | 23 |
747 Mr Sir | 98.64 | 62 |
822 Omar Escorcia | 98.74 | 24 |
Gold21 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
1 Estefano Barrera 🏆 | 98.73 | 22 |
9 Jeff Spangler | 98.74 | 59 |
14 Bailey Kish | 98.29 | 66 |
16 Dan Cran | 98.56 | 64 |
18 Michael Moening | 99.02 | 67 |
20 Travis Nordstrom | 98.83 | 70 |
21 Dominic Duran | 98.43 | 68 |
37 Jeremy Mercer | 98.40 | 64 |
55 Gomer Wilson | 98.53 | 45 |
59 Koa Dromo | 98.52 | 54 |
95 Diego Paul Fimbres Casas | 97.21 | 51 |
114 Peter O'Brien | 98.18 | 56 |
119 Timothy Flammger | 98.43 | 43 |
120 Andrew Rados | 98.84 | 15 |
222 Jared Troxclair | 98.27 | 43 |
307 Eric Marecki | 97.72 | 39 |
414 Andrew Wilson | 96.71 | 35 |
434 Jacob Palmieri | 98.65 | 23 |
527 Jake Wells | 98.35 | 5 |
747 Mr Sir | 98.64 | 62 |
822 Omar Escorcia | 98.74 | 24 |
Silver30 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
8 Brooker Quigg | 97.71 | 67 |
11 Jorintas Butkus | 98.11 | 11 |
17 Brandon Chan | 98.27 | 48 |
19 Victor Diaz | 97.89 | 79 |
50 Simon Goriel | 97.63 | 18 |
64 Joel Moffatt | 97.89 | 64 |
67 Matt Leeman | ||
72 Danny Durrance | 98.01 | 71 |
73 Travis Robinson | 96.62 | 79 |
81 Anton Rushevich | 97.39 | 10 |
85 Jon Archie | 97.83 | 55 |
90 Patrick Rust | 97.08 | 55 |
121 Karl Sween | 97.35 | 3 |
313 Nathan Henderson | ||
318 Javier Salazar | 97.82 | 13 |
328 Max Simons | 98.17 | 45 |
350 Landon Drebes | 98.17 | 52 |
404 Ilpo Ruotsalainen | 98.18 | 4 |
444 Collin Dunham | 97.99 | 58 |
458 David Mustillo | ||
544 Jon Crown | 97.84 | 47 |
599 Guy Manperson | 97.99 | 57 |
612 Jon Laz | 97.48 | 30 |
636 Tyler Matlock | ||
666 Kelvin Lau | 98.15 | 49 |
676 Austin Carpenter | 97.83 | 37 |
710 Fire Queso | 97.93 | 74 |
712 Fazlee Majeed | 98.13 | 59 |
873 Mikhail Charles | 98.10 | 21 |
918 Michael Louie | 97.97 | 46 |
Gold19 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
5 Michael Jeffries | ||
10 Douglas Mitchell 👑 | 97.48 | 83 |
15 Jason Allen | 97.60 | 81 |
34 Eric Boardman | 97.59 | 67 |
39 Phillipe Enis Müller | 97.09 | 32 |
48 Pauleh Hartman | 97.15 | 92 |
58 Jarrod Seccombe | ||
105 Nick San | 97.40 | 60 |
111 Niko Suave | 97.38 | 50 |
163 Matthew Higgs | 97.17 | 30 |
272 Donovan Colton | 97.36 | 26 |
277 Ivan McCroat | 97.95 | 45 |
288 Logan Schaeffer | 96.91 | 34 |
314 Caleb Yarrington | ||
379 Luis Daniel Vélez | 97.53 | 20 |
502 Bryan Anderson | 97.56 | 77 |
777 Josh Damiani | 97.44 | 98 |
882 Kurt Lemay | 97.19 | 18 |
888 Roy Keay | 97.42 | 28 |
Silver22 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
22 Austin Whitescarver | 96.60 | 58 |
30 Cody Platt | 96.42 | 43 |
40 Ethan Marvin | 96.67 | 53 |
46 Mike Geno | ||
47 Joshua Worley | 97.29 | 3 |
52 Michael Schwartz | 96.91 | 17 |
76 Andy Speed | 97.12 | 56 |
93 Ein Byron | 97.09 | 55 |
128 Kevin Kovach | 97.16 | 62 |
137 Pawel Kreska | ||
156 Max Diggs | 96.96 | 59 |
215 Adam Santana | ||
219 Kevin Rivera | ||
370 Arct | 97.30 | 22 |
415 Matt Artim | 97.04 | 33 |
448 João Sodré | 97.21 | 25 |
570 Dustin Fickert | ||
585 J Krouse | 96.86 | 3 |
916 Bryan Ryder | 97.30 | 33 |
947 Alex Krochik | 97.12 | 57 |
984 Thomas Olhausen | 96.89 | 35 |
988 Andres Velasquez | 96.32 | 11 |
Gold25 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
7 Selena Boonstra | 96.95 | 63 |
42 DJ Watts | 96.27 | 59 |
43 Ren Aoki | 96.32 | 79 |
62 Neil Sutherland | 97.09 | 42 |
68 Sean Leitch | 96.28 | 20 |
88 Matt Schmitzer | 96.34 | 39 |
92 Jess Osborn | 96.70 | 91 |
97 Panzo Rigatoni | 96.66 | 74 |
146 Darren Wicks | ||
260 Rodrigo Fernandez | 96.15 | 14 |
295 Jeremy Yaron | 96.34 | 59 |
319 Wilder Vargas | 96.53 | 14 |
331 Samuel Cortes | 96.30 | 15 |
344 Adam Krolikowski | 95.66 | 3 |
393 Dyck Zipperburn Jr. | 96.38 | 31 |
518 Amos Movo | 96.52 | 12 |
551 Rowdy Burnz | 96.50 | 12 |
610 Derrick Stack | 96.53 | 25 |
615 Null Maxwell | 96.33 | 51 |
660 Seth Rocha | 94.93 | 3 |
711 Jack Sullivan | 96.47 | 27 |
721 Luis Vazquez | 96.69 | 4 |
769 Carlos Guzman | 96.23 | 34 |
826 Curtis Lee | 96.48 | 90 |
945 Colin Shea | 96.56 | 62 |
Silver28 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
27 Martin Riggs | 96.22 | 46 |
35 Justin Muh-Kek-Deez | 95.82 | 54 |
66 Chris Sweeney | 96.08 | 56 |
70 Zodi Fade | 95.86 | 34 |
77Russell Allen | 96.06 | 79 |
86 Pat Cockcroft | 96.15 | 67 |
89 Shaun Daniels | 96.08 | 52 |
101 Richie Wood | 96.11 | 12 |
130 Pablo Ferrer TC8 | 95.88 | 16 |
142 Elliot Levine | 96.11 | 52 |
151 Christian Lorenzo | ||
231 Gordon Beverly III | ||
234 Jacob Hall | ||
240 Christian Holmes | 96.04 | 72 |
400 Phil Browne | 96.09 | 22 |
425 Felix Paillant | 96.06 | 44 |
470 Connor Adams | 95.41 | 4 |
472 Nitin Murthy | 96.58 | 4 |
480 Noah Macomber | ||
545 Jason Yaron | 96.40 | 59 |
644 Tim DuCharme | 96.10 | 17 |
696 Jay Queezy | 96.25 | 20 |
801 Cube Master | 95.57 | 50 |
804 JB Ruzic | 96.03 | 48 |
877 Dean Stefani | 96.05 | 22 |
911 Quinton Schantter | 95.94 | 38 |
983 Kevin Andersen | ||
992 Corey Harville | 94.60 | 8 |
Gold23 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
26 Caleb Tenney | 95.61 | 16 |
36 Eric Rudderham | 95.97 | 41 |
49 Kevin Johnston | 96.11 | 30 |
56 Ryan Garrity | 95.84 | 33 |
60 Kyle Cumber | 96.19 | 33 |
98 Henry Ramirez | 95.98 | 7 |
112 Aaron Anderson | 95.93 | 14 |
161 Steeve Foster | 95.55 | 25 |
303 Landon P | 95.70 | 9 |
347 Matt Anderson | 95.89 | 30 |
360 Calvin Huangster | ||
365 Justin Moffatt | 95.68 | 29 |
461 Rob Morehead | 95.79 | 34 |
543 Jakub Boosterski | 95.80 | 3 |
617 Matt Melanson | 96.06 | 9 |
640 Bruce Hopkins | ||
683 Roberto Peña | ||
720 Sean Williams | 96.10 | 49 |
743 JP Johnston | 95.44 | 8 |
810 Stephen Dutton | 95.96 | 23 |
850 Jason Pinckard | ||
890 Alexandre Giordano | 95.67 | 18 |
914 Justin Griswold | 96.28 | 3 |
Silver27 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
12 Vincent Nicolet | 95.81 | 28 |
38 Kyle Miller | 95.72 | 54 |
41 Stephen Sarver | 95.37 | 71 |
91 Scott Johnston | 95.41 | 22 |
106 Tyrell Foster | ||
173 Stefan Buckley | 95.54 | 27 |
223 Francisco Astudillo | ||
228 Matt Matasy | 95.48 | 62 |
250 Hesham Rimzk | 95.45 | 46 |
269 Jobry GTG | ||
305 Roger Rodriguez | 94.22 | 70 |
311 Stephanie Fisher | 95.42 | 47 |
357 Darren Robichaud | 95.83 | 72 |
369 Aidan Burk | 94.99 | 10 |
466 Steven Music | 95.74 | 29 |
512 John Ansom | 95.80 | 50 |
558 Robert Lacy | ||
578 Travis Tatro | 95.60 | 10 |
580 Vishal Sahara | ||
664 Thomas Greer | 95.71 | 62 |
695 Justin Rosenthal | 95.69 | 11 |
864 Jake Battle | 95.30 | 11 |
906 Raf CAB | 95.50 | 54 |
913 Ian Demler | 95.60 | 37 |
955 Spencer Taft | 95.32 | 10 |
975 Mert Mertson | 95.18 | 27 |
996 Brett Swift | 95.30 | 38 |
Gold19 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
13 Michael Mcweezerson | 94.42 | 9 |
133 Jan Rodricks | ||
141 Thomas Ma | 95.20 | 51 |
162 Ramon Lorenzo | 94.21 | 67 |
185 Aaron Kovach | 94.27 | 37 |
210 Austin Townsend | 94.90 | 22 |
216 Shane Transue | 95.07 | 19 |
229 Mike Hiesener | 95.29 | 24 |
606 Simon Barnes | ||
616 Ryan VanEpps | 94.48 | 15 |
641 Diego Hernández | 94.80 | 12 |
703 Alex Stopa | 93.89 | 18 |
716 Tyler Martin | 94.25 | 17 |
780 Cliff Hemeon | 94.48 | 36 |
808 Dave Paccagnini | 94.70 | 4 |
904 Kevin Naples | 94.50 | 3 |
921 Jeff Thompson | 88.64 | 20 |
966 Jaro Koval | 94.17 | 3 |
968 Sergio Lindo | 93.82 | 27 |
Silver26 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
44 Dan Thibodeaux | 93.05 | 25 |
51 Marlon Abubo | 93.72 | 7 |
61 Grant Cameron | ||
63 Sandro Mancini | ||
83 Conor Farrell | 94.25 | 77 |
96 Jon Baham | 93.72 | 8 |
100 John Donahue | 94.38 | 27 |
103 Ryan Clark | 93.33 | 4 |
107 Richard Mac | 92.77 | 3 |
122 Dario Ferrer TC8 | 93.88 | 15 |
129 Kevin Unda | 93.23 | 51 |
140 Ghislain Smith | 93.54 | 30 |
164 Stephen Pellerin | 93.83 | 57 |
200 J.P May | 93.99 | 54 |
205 Cezary Penkiewicz | 93.76 | 3 |
382 Roger Dismukes | 93.78 | 46 |
428 Cory Mummery | 93.88 | 15 |
555 Alan Leung | 94.16 | 54 |
608 Jonathan Nicholls | ||
722 Thomas Reg (CAN) | 94.39 | 3 |
779 Luke Oosthuizen | ||
886 Ian Gilchrist | 93.96 | 48 |
910 Brian Banks(CDN) | 93.00 | 3 |
940 Matthew Eriquez | 93.98 | 24 |
944 Craig Mar | ||
961 Edward Ryan | 94.11 | 16 |
Gold21 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
116 Fernando Catoira | 93.85 | 3 |
135 Josh Parker | ||
180 Andrew Duongbongleo | 93.48 | 27 |
203 Michael Santos | 93.02 | 9 |
208 Cesare Pizzuto | 93.49 | 29 |
211 Shane Lewis | 90.09 | 3 |
256 Anthony Lombardo | 93.93 | 18 |
294 Cleveland Leatherwood | 92.67 | 19 |
326 Mike Eriquez | 93.17 | 45 |
333 Mark DC | 93.05 | 47 |
342 Trey Morgan | ||
423 Mack Morgan | 93.23 | 3 |
435 Colin O'Leary | ||
556 Brad Charland | 93.35 | 16 |
623 Mike Cook | 93.16 | 3 |
709 Julien AL | ||
727 Mark Allen | 93.42 | 18 |
908 Matt Moon | 93.16 | 19 |
919 Tristan Zamora | ||
960 Corey Coult | 93.24 | 16 |
995 Cameron Beason | 93.63 | 34 |
Silver19 drivers
# / NameClass | SRAting | # Races |
152 Daniel Beckstead | 92.93 | 21 |
179 Liz Alicea | 90.26 | 3 |
181 Fin Gen | ||
183 Jean Maille | 91.67 | 3 |
217 Sebastian Rock | 92.33 | 3 |
293 Riley Greear | ||
441 Justin Pereira | ||
501 Ty Bruce | ||
622 Biscuit Boi | ||
674 Tim Parkinson | 91.24 | 28 |
690 Aku Namatata | ||
704 Gordon Beverly Jr. | 90.81 | 51 |
787 Justin Muntean | ||
817 Tomas Kiss | ||
923 Thomas Acosta | 92.10 | 7 |
933 Rowan Baham | ||
939 Dyck Zipperburn Sr. | 92.75 | 7 |
965 Mac Stearns | ||
999 Bryan Acomb | 92.56 | 32 |
Not Rated287 drivers